Writing, Marketing, & Editing for Health, Seniors, Tech, & Biz
“Turning your complex content into what's truly compelling”©
Great Ghostwriter Grabs Sales!
Just a few notes from across 20+ years of collaborations
"Over a 20-year period I have repeatedly engaged Wendy Meyeroff to research and write consumer health and medical articles for a variety of print and digital publications. ... She is the consummate professional."--Ruth Papazian, formerly editor on an American Heart Association project.
"Your work on a book-length manuscript...has been truly outstanding. The manuscript you submitted is so close to the product we plan to publish that you have made our editorial jobs much easier."--consumer book for major medical group
"I found an article in WDCHECKUP section of ...Woman's Day...by Wendy J. Meyeroff. This is a wonderful article and Dr. XXX would like permission to include this information in handouts..."--from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
"...thank you for working so hard for the Vision Expo and helping to make it a success... . Your attention to detail and your creativity were an asset that was much needed by our group." --from previous Vision Industry Council of America leader
"I truly appreciate your expertise on this important subject matter and the time and effort that went into your article. It was a pleasure working with you..."--a leader in Alzheimer's publications.​